The interdisciplinary center of applied research in the correctional field of the ÉNAP is pleased to invite you to its new workshop!
It will take place on Monday 21 June 2021 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am CET, online through Zoom both in English and French (Switchable language).
Our guest is Dr. Dominique Moran, Professor in Carceral Geography at the University of Birmingham, UK.
Through her research and teaching, Dominique Moran offers an analysis of incarceration and its issues at the intersection of geography and criminology. Her research focuses on the architecture of prisons, the spatiality of visiting rooms, the experience of ex-military staff in the prison service and ‘green prisons’. Dr. Dominique Moran will present the latter research, addressing the impact of green spaces in prisons on prison staff, on their well-being at work and on the reduction of interpersonal violence.
Her presentation will be followed by an exchange with the participants.
The workshop will be organised via an interpreting operator that allows instantaneous translation of the speaker’s words.
The link of the workshop and an explanation on how to use the online platform (Zoom) will be sent to you before the presentation so that you can access it via your browser.
The number of participants is limited, registration will not be accepted once the places available are covered.