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We organize different courses about suicide, but only when our refferents in prisons (managers of rehabilitation programs) need training in this topic. Is not a regular planfication.
What are the main topics addressed in this training?TRAINING TYPE 1 (15h)COURSE. PRVENTIONS AND INTERVENTIONS IN SUICIDE RISK SITUATIONS: epidemiology and etiology of suicidal behavior / risk and protective suicide factors / learn to identify and assess suicide risk / recognize the different therapeutic and prevention approaches to suicidal behavior
TRINING TYPE 2 (10h) N'VIU, PREVENTION SUICIDE PROGRAM: theoretical context and technical arguments for the application of the prevention suicide program / how to develop each program sessions / understand and practice the application of different tests related to suicidal behavior
Yes. The program is developed by the rehabilitation staff in each penitentiary center. The average of suïcides is between 7 and 8 people every year in the catalan penitentiary system.
In Estonian Academy of Security Sciences at the College of Justice one can acquire either professional higer education and vocational education. Both have specific courses on suicide prevention in detention. It is difficult to say exactly to what extent, because in addition to lectures, it is also practiced in practical classes.
Vocational education – it is part of imprisonment psychology lecture (2EAP)
higer education – it is part of deviant behavior lecture (4EAP)
Reasons – life events that can lead to suicidal behavior
Factors to monitor – how to recognize and notice suicidal behavior
Intervention – how to help, who to inform, etc.
We have precise instuctions in prison how to deal with a suicide detainee and how to ensure that information about it reaches all the necessary officials. If the risk of suicide is very real or a detainee has attempted suicide we have specail programs. All our learning is based on real prison practice.
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This content is only available to registered members of EPTA.
We do not deliver specific training courses on suicide prevention in detention, but we have a topic "Suicide prevention among detainees and inmates" in our training programme.
What are the main topics addressed in this training?“Suicide prevention among detainees and inmates”
The concept of suicide and suicidal behavior. Reasons for suicidal behavior in prisons.
Diagnosis of suicidal risk. Suicide prevention among detainees and inmates.
Prevention of suicide in prisons and pre-trial detention facilities.
Suicide correction in prisons and pre-trial detention facilities.
Application of the Suicide and Self-Injury Policy and instructions for its implementation in prisons and pre-trial detention facilities.
yes, Suicide prevention is a course in the general training for the guards. We have also a two day training. This course is voluntary and available for all prison staff.
What are the main topics addressed in this training?Suicidal process, risks factors, signals,discription task at the beginning of a suicidal process + do's and dont'ts (conversation techniques), procedure when there has been a suicide, awareness prison staff as risk group, self-care
Are the courses based on an existing suicide prevention programme you have developed in detention?The courses is developped with a network specialised in suicide prevention.
There is no specific training course on suicide prevention.
What are the main topics addressed in this training?Although there is no specific training course, part of the Initial Training for Prison Officers within the First Aid course is focused on the procedure that should be followed in case of a suicidal incident in a prison. Another lecture deals with three categories (or levels) of suicidal behaviour and arrangements connected with each category.
Are the courses based on an existing suicide prevention programme you have developed in detention?-
Polish prison service's internal legal acts define the manner and scope of conducted measures in the field of suicide prevention in the prison population, concerning the organizational structure level. It refers in a broad way to psychopedagogical, legal and safety aspect. Specific training courses on suicide prevention in detention are delivered mostly for prisoners by prison officers, also by management to prison staff during periodic training and briefings.
What are the main topics addressed in this training?During the training prison staff focuses on psychoeducation regarding problems in the area of mental health, the risk of autoagression in penitentiary isolation, identifying signs of suicidal tendencies and how to properly react, help inmates in this kind of situation. In 2019 HSCPS started cooperation with dr Amanda Perry from The University of York in order to a new suicide prevention programme in prison, which is conducted with success in HM Prison Service. The program is based on the assumptions of cognitive-behavioral therapy, especially in the aspect of developing solving-problems skills of incarcerated people.
Are the courses based on an existing suicide prevention programme you have developed in detention?Obligatory programs and training in suicidal prophylaxis during everyday work with inmates are conducted at the central, district and basic level. Every year the programs are updated, approved, included in the reports and statistics published by the Polish Prison Service in annual statistics. Each year, a schedule is prepared in the field of suicide prevention to be undertaken. Additionally, each prison officer, psychologist or educator working with inmates may take their own initiatives in this regard after approval of the program plan.
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General Directorate Execution of Sentences (GDES) conducts mandatory specialized trainings for the psychologists, who are working directly with the inmates. These trainings have direct link to the prevention of the suicidal behavior.
What are the main topics addressed in this training?The main topics addressed in these trainings are psychological assessment of inmates and staff members, case management, counseling and crisis interventions, prevention of the professional stress of the employees and the stress of the persons deprived of liberty.
Are the courses based on an existing suicide prevention programme you have developed in detention?The trainings are in accordance with the system for suicide prevention in the places for deprivation of liberty. The system is regulated in the following documents, which are approved by the Director General of General Directorate “Execution of Sentences”:
Strategy for diagnostics and prevention of suicidal behaviour among the convicts and the staff of General Directorate “Execution of Sentences”;
Strategy for prevention of the professional stress of the employees and the stress of the convicts;
Methodical handbook for psychological assessment of the convicts with the new toolkit and procedures for psychological assessment and counselling of the inmates.
Methodical instructions for the work of psychologists in the regional districts of the General Directorate Execution of Sentences, which consist of methodical procedures for psychological assessment and counselling of probationers, released on a parole and detainees with the new toolkit.
Methodical instructions for psychological assessment and counselling of detainees, who are placed in the places for deprivation of liberty, which consist of methodical guidelines for assessment with a toolkit and procedures for consulting.
Methodical instructions for psychological assessment in the recruitment process for civil servants.
Methodical instructions for suicide and self-injuries prevention for managers of prisons and detainee centers.
Methodical instructions for suicide and self-injuries prevention for the social workers in the prison facilities.
Methodical instructions for suicide and self-injuries prevention for the prison guards.
Methodical instructions for suicide and self-injuries prevention for the officers in the detainee centers.
Methodical instructions for the activity of the psychologists in the places for deprivation of liberty.
We deliver initial and ongoing training in suicide prevention tailored for both prison, detention and probation officers.
We also deliver compulsory training in suicide prevention for nurses in prison and detention.
In the training you learn
• How to perform a Suicide Screening with an understanding of the asked questions.
• How to use the suicide screening tool:
- to find those at risk of suicide or suicide attempt
- to structure the conversation to get a picture of thoughts and plans
- to identify suicidal communication, risk factors, supporting factors and resources
• The link between depression and suicide
• Identifying signs of depression, risk of suicide and knowing how to report to medical staff
• How to minimize risk in the physical environment
The courses are based on our suicide prevention programme which is developed to match the needs in both prison, detention and probation.
Northern Ireland’s Department of Health published a new suicide prevention ‘Protect Life 2’ strategy in September 2019.
This strategy includes specific actions which the Public Health Agency (PHA) is responsible for delivering and it is undertaking a pre-consultation on suicide prevention and post-vention services. PHA are actively engaging with stakeholders to support the development of future services by taking the views of services users, carers, local communities and providers into account.
The strategy identifies the reduction of suicide as a key strategic priority for Health & Social Care (HSC), aiming to reduce the suicide rate in NI by 10% by 2024. The ‘Towards Zero Suicide’ Collaborative Programme has been recognised as a collaboration of the 5x HSC TRUST in Northern Ireland to address this complex area. As suicide risk has a range of mental health, psycho-social and economic determinants, treatment needs to be cognisant of, and delivered within, the context of the local environment in which the person lives. This requires a localised adjustment of the model and, in response to it, the Northern Ireland Prison Service (NIPS) jointly leads on the Towards Zero Suicide programme in prisons with its TRUST. It has allowed for the support, building of skills/ practice development ,dissemination of knowledge and good practice within each prison setting.
NIPS delivers multiple training courses to its prison staff that consider different aspects of suicide prevention and/ or dealing with people who are having thoughts of suicide. These sessions include Safe TALK, Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), Supporting Prisoners at Risk (SPAR), First Aid for Mental Health, Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults & Children and awareness of Adverse Childhood Experience & Trauma Informed Practices.
1. Safe TALK - this course is typically delivered at the initial induction stage for new entrants joining NIPS. It is delivered to all staff regardless of their role and gives an awareness as to what indicators/ invitations a person with thoughts of suicide may display. The course also addresses how you would use these invitations to ask and confirm if the individual is having thoughts of suicide and then keep them safe. This course focuses on people in the community but has been adapted to deal with those individuals in custody
2. ASIST - this is a 2x day course which is a more in depth version of Safe TALK and is now primarily delivered to NIPS Senior Officer (our first line management). The course also focuses on invitations and asking about suicide but then concentrates on building a workable care plan to keep someone safe and reduce their risk of suicide.
3. SPAR Evolution – all NIPS staff and our partners in prisons are given training on this subject. This is the protocol for NIPS to deal with inmates who have been identified as being at risk of attempting/ completing suicide or of serious self-harm. SPAR Evo introduced an approach that has changed our delivery to people at risk from process driven to person centred approach. It is a multi-disciplinary approach which is aimed at providing a response to support individual during a period of distress or crisis, while also addressing the root causes of the situation. Officer use the tools and skills learned from Safe TALK/ ASIST to respond to people at risk. Staff are trained to raise a concern and carry out a risk assessment which informs decision making on the level of risk and the response to it. ASIST training is used within the approach by Senior Officers in responding to the person about whom a concern has been raised. The knowledge gained is used in determining the outcome and, along with others, the development of a bespoke care plan for those who are determined to be at risk. This plan is used to support the person who is at risk through the period of distress or crisis, as well as addressing to root cause of the situation to reduce the risk of further episodes.
4. First Aid for Mental Health - this course gives an overview of various mental health issues and also gives further information around people with thoughts of suicide.
5. Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults & Children - much like First Aid for Mental Health, this course also has a module on suicide.
Safe TALK and ASIST have been developed for communities by Living Works who are considered one of the world leaders in developing suicide prevention training. They are widely used by different organisations worldwide including military and government agencies. NIPS have made minor adaptions for a prison setting and have their own licensed trainers. SPAR Evolution has been developed by NIPS and our Healthcare partners under our Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention policy and joint Suicide and Self-harm Risk Management Strategy. The Policy and Strategy will be reviewed in the next business year to incorporate the Towards Zero Suicide iniative.
NIPS made a commitment to become a Trauma Informed organisation and embarked on training and awareness raising in relation to Trauma Informed Practice & Adverse Childhood Experiences. In addition to this training for new entrants, it has been delivered to staff who spend considerable periods of time with people in our care, many of whom have complex needs, significant number of adverse childhood experiences, have been subjected to or experienced episodes of self-harm/ suicide or have had thoughts of suicide.
Nous offrons des formations pour le personnel pénitentiaire tant au niveau de la formation de base/initiale qu'au niveau de la formation continue et de cadres.
La formation spécifique sur la prévention du suicide en détention est de six heures de cours en formation de base/initiale et 7 heures en formation continue.
Les cours sont dispensés par des professionnelles qui travaillent dans le milieu carcéral (psychologues, psychiatres, infirmiers)
Lors de ces formations, les sujets suivants sont abordés :
- les différentes hypothèses
- les facteurs risques
- les bases de la prévention
- les moyens de détection
- la gestion post-traumatiques
Les cours sont développés par des professionnels des domaines de la détention et de la santé.
Les supports de cours reprennent les procédures et directives mises en place au sein des établissements de détention.
Employees in Norwegian Prison and Probation service are offered to participate in The training Course on Suicide Prevention named Vivat. The course is also included in the curriculum for initial training for prison officers in Norway.
What are the main topics addressed in this training?The training Course on Suicide Prevention provides competence to detect signals of suicidal thoughts and provide first aid in case of suicide risk. Participants are given the opportunity to become more aware of their own attitudes to suicide. In the training, participants learn to discover inmates who may be at risk of suicide, how to ask direct questions about suicidal thoughts, help inmates to talk about what is difficult, work with uncertainty about living or die, make and implement a plan with the inmates where the goal is to save lives.
The training Course on Suicide Prevention used in Norwegian Prison and Probation service named Vivat, was originally developed by LivingWorks in Canada and is used internationally under the name ASIST, Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training.
We offer trainings for prison staff. It includes basic/initial training, continuing training and managers training. The specific training on suicide prevention in detention lasts 6 hours in basic/initial training and 7 hours in continuing training. The courses are given by professionals who work in the prison sector (psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses)
What are the main topics addressed in this training?During these training sessions, the following subjects are covered: the different hypotheses, the risk factors, the basics of prevention, the means of detection, the post-traumatic management
Are the courses based on an existing suicide prevention programme you have developed in detention?The courses are developed by professionals in the fields of detention and health care. The course materials are based on the procedures and guidelines implemented in the detention facilities
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