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No. The Irish Prison Service and The Probation Service (Ireland) are two separate agencies However, we are both committed to pursuing opportunities for joint training initiatives for our staff
Do the trainers belong to your academy or are they visiting lecturers?Not Applicable
Does the theoretical training take place in your academy or in a separate facility?Not Applicable
Can you introduce the training content and/or priorities dedicated to probation staff?Not Applicable
Would you be interested in participating to activities of the network/project dedicated to probation?As we do not train probation staff our participation would not really benefit the project.
Do the trainers belong to your academy or are they visiting lecturers?Not applicable
Does the theoretical training take place in your academy or in a separate facility?Not applicable
Can you introduce the training content and/or priorities dedicated to probation staff?Not applicable
Would you be interested in participating to activities of the network/project dedicated to probation?No, our institution is not involved in delivering training to probation staff.
Do the trainers belong to your academy or are they visiting lecturers?/
Does the theoretical training take place in your academy or in a separate facility?/
Can you introduce the training content and/or priorities dedicated to probation staff?/
Would you be interested in participating to activities of the network/project dedicated to probation?No
Yes, an introductory training for the Lithuanian probation officers is being implemented (an introductory program for the persons with the higher education).
Do the trainers belong to your academy or are they visiting lecturers?The curriculum is carried out both by the pedagogical staff of Training Centre of the Prison Department under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania (the theoretical part of the programme) and by the officers of the Lithuanian Probation Service (the practical part of the programme).
Does the theoretical training take place in your academy or in a separate facility?The theoretical training takes place at Training Centre of the Prison Department under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania (herinafter – Training Centre), the practical training is carried out in the places of service of the correctional officers.
Can you introduce the training content and/or priorities dedicated to probation staff?The aim of the training programme – to provide the theoretical knowledge necessary to ensure the legal practical activities and to form the general practical skills necessary to carry out the practical work in the probation services and to achieve the effective results.
The objectives of the curriculum:
to explain the implementation of the Probation Law and the other related legal acts;
to acquaint with the national and the international legal acts regulating the operation of the penitentiary and the probation system in order to ensure the protection of the human rights and the freedoms;
to develop the appropriate skills for the preparation of the social research findings and the planning, execution and control of probationer supervision;
to develop the language culture of the officers, to improve the ability to prepare and formalize the official documents;
to reveal the officers’ conduct and the ethics norms, the requirements of the transparent management and to develop the skills of official ethics and an anti-corruption behaviour;
to form and develop communication and cooperation skills, coping with stress and managing conflict situations;
to acquaint with the peculiarities of the consciousness and subconsciousness of the users of the narcotic and the psychotropic substances, to teach them to perform practical testing of the convicts who have been intoxicated with the psychoactive substances;
to develop the appropriate risk assessment skills of a criminal behaviour according to the OASys methodology, to properly assess the risk of serious harm;
to get acquainted with the peculiarities of minors’ behaviour and to form the ability to apply the approved behavioural methodologies to the minors;
to discuss the experience of the convicts’ social integration into society implemented in the system of execution of sentences and probation and to determine the aspects and possibilities of the practical improvement of the convicts’ social integration into society;
to train to work with the information system (PRISONIS) of Prison Department under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – Prison Department);
to develop the practical skills used in defence against the psychological and the physical violence;
to acquaint with the peculiarities of the administrative activity of the correctional institutions and the principles of dynamic security.
Yes. We would think that this would be useful for the pedagogical staff of the Training Centre, who implement the theoretical training.
No, probation staff is trained by Justice Academy.
Do the trainers belong to your academy or are they visiting lecturers?-
Does the theoretical training take place in your academy or in a separate facility?-
Can you introduce the training content and/or priorities dedicated to probation staff?-
Would you be interested in participating to activities of the network/project dedicated to probation?At the moment such activities would not fit to our organization.
This content is only available to registered members of EPTA.
This content is only available to registered members of EPTA.
Yes, curators in the area of mediation and restorative justice during post-graduate studies, which lasts one year (webpage: https://swws.edu.pl/ksztalcenie/informacje-o-studiach-podyplomowych/mediacje-i-sprawiedliwosc-naprawcza/)
Mostly lecturers are prison officers and employees from Academy of Justice. In case of postgraduate studies academy has signed additional contracts with external specialists.
Does the theoretical training take place in your academy or in a separate facility?Theoretical training takes place at the academy, some subjects are conducted in the form of Blended-learning. Academy of Justice does not use any separate facilities, apart from its headquarters in Kalisz and Wrocław.
Can you introduce the training content and/or priorities dedicated to probation staff?Studies within the scope of mediation are related to criminal law, also after serving a sentence and in the field of professional role due to the subject of prison and probation service. The students can learn about the practical solutions of law regulations, which helps gaining knowledge and skills in the area of restorative justice idea based on mediation. Postgraduate studies allowed students to participate in workshops and seminars, which help shaping their analytical skills needed in the field of dispute resolution process. A scope of post-graduate studies allow students to be prepared for a new professional role, act as mediators, by expanding knowledge and skills needed to conduct effective mediation.
Would you be interested in participating to activities of the network/project dedicated to probation?Yes, due to academy’s research activities related to the area of social re-adaptation, the possibility of cooperation in this area seems to be particularly interesting.
This content is only available to registered members of EPTA.
Yes, the academy train probation staff. There are 2 different professions: The penitentiary integration and probation officers and the integration and probation directors.
Do the trainers belong to your academy or are they visiting lecturers?They belong to the academy.
Does the theoretical training take place in your academy or in a separate facility?All courses take place in the facilities of the academy, except for the internships.
Can you introduce the training content and/or priorities dedicated to probation staff?Both probation officers and probation directors carry out internships that alternate with theoretical courses. In the enclosed documents, you will find more information on their training content. Courses for probation officers focus on: Adopting a suitable professional positioning; Mastering the regulatory framework and the field of intervention; Conducting interviews; Writing professional reports; Evaluating inmates and probationers; Determining a support plan for the person and execution of the sentence; Working in multidisciplinarity; Using IT applications; Discussing the activities and tasks carried out. Probation directors are trained on the following topics: Navigating one’s professional environment; Communicating in professional life situations; Ensuring the care of the inmates and probationers in the custodial and non-custodial sectors; Ensuring the safety and security of the integration and probation service and the people; Managing services and resources. The training priorities of the academy follow the actualization and the evolution of national policies (for example: social precariousness, restorative justice, suicide prevention, domestic violence).
Would you be interested in participating to activities of the network/project dedicated to probation?Yes.
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